07 Feb F*CKUP NIGHTS (FUN): #sharethefailure
The Cape Town Office (CTO) * in collaboration with Megara Events is proud to be hosting the first of many FUN in Cape Town, on Thursday, the 9th February 2017, at the CTO Club House, 46A Canterbury St, Zonnebloem, from 6 to 9 pm.
FUN is new to the Mother City and it will be held on the second Thursday of every month. This friendly get-together stems from the desire to share the business failures that local entrepreneurs overcame and that allowed them to achieve the hard-sought success that eventually followed. “It is so refreshing to hear about the failures of other entrepreneurs and learning from that. Especially in a city dotted by startups, FUN has the potential to initiate a tremendous learning curve among business people” says Lizelle van Ryn, founder and Director of CTO.
Started in Mexico in 2012, FUN is a global event in cities like New York, London, Tel Aviv and Barcelona that follows a standard format. Each evening features three to four speakers, who address the audience for approximately 7 minutes, using 10 images to support the discussion. Engagement is key; after each speaker, questions are opened to the floor, followed by a final networking session and drinks.
The first Cape Town event features three of most influential entrepreneurs on the local scene.
Fred Roed is the CEO of Heavy Chef Pty Ltd, an organisation that celebrates “People that Do’ – or ‘people that eat their own food’. Heavy Chef is the most popular monthly leadership and tech event in South Africa, with Twitter, WWC, Backsberg, CBC and Primedia as partners. Fred is the co-founder and former CEO of digital marketing agency World Wide Creative, with clients such as Hyundai, City of Cape Town, and Rand Merchant Bank. A recognised public speaker and consultant, Fred held the position of Head of Agencies at the IAB SA (Interactive Advertising Bureau SA) between 2014 and 2017 and was awarded “Best Individual Contribution to the South African Digital Industry” in the 2015 Bookmark Awards. Fast Company Magazine named Fred as one of The Top 100 Creative People In Business 2015.
Elodie Burls is the co-founder and Managing Director of explainer video company, Blink Tower. Let Elodie take you through her failed business ventures, which led her to the founding of her success Blink Tower, where she combines her experience in media, education and her love for helping people understand “stuff” better.
Last but not least, Khanyi Pupuma’s career took a very far from turn from his Quantity Surveyor studies at UCT. He brews his Jwarha Lager at Stone Circle Brewery in Cape Town, but distributes it to most liquor stores and restaurants in the Mother City.
Share your failures! If you think you’ve got a F*Up of your own, contact Lizelle on lizelle@capetownoffice.com. “The lineup changes every month and I cannot wait to be inspired by the lessons these brave movers and shakers have bestowed on themselves on their way to success”, says Lizelle.
Tickets are R50 online and R60 at the door. They include one free beer or glass of wine as well as light snacks. Cash bar available. Please click here for Facebook event or here for the Community page. Should you be interested in finding out how FUN came to life and its current international footprint, visit www.fuckupnights.com
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