How to create a logo that properly represents your startup

How to create a logo that properly represents your startup

As developing technology helps the average consumer access information quicker than ever before, it’s never been more important to communicate a lot about your business in as little time as possible. One great way to do this is by ensuring your logo properly represents your business.

Your logo has the power to do so much more than simply make your business look professional. It can tell a customer about the industry you serve and the products you sell. A good logo can also convey the personality of your brand, which in turn can build a customer’s emotional attachment to your business – important for retaining loyal customers.

Your business values, style of communication, and intended audience can also be communicated in a glance with the right logo, and if these elements are not visible your business may be missing valuable opportunities.

So how can you tell if it’s time for a branding refresh?

We’ve highlighted the five essentials your logo should convey in order to accurately represent your business.

1. Your logo needs to tell a customer what you do

By representing the products or service your business provides in your logo, in one glance you are able to tell a customer they have come to the right place to find what they are looking for.

Imagine scanning a long list of online search results, or flicking through the classified adverts at the back of a magazine for a service you require. Coming across a logo which clearly represents the service you are looking for would draw your eye and give you an instant desire to find out more.

2. Your logo should communicate the personality of your business

How do you want your customers to feel when they think of your business? There may be thousands of words you could use to describe the personality of your business, but if you try to convey all of these at once through your logo, your brand will be weak and forgettable.

Instead, try to focus on one word that you would like customers to associate with your business, and focus on representing that in your logo, either stylistically or graphically.

For example, if your business is friendly and fun, you may wish to use a clean and simple (sans-serif) font and bright colours – whereas if your business is reliable, professional and no-nonsense then you may opt for a more formal typeface with a mature colour, such as navy blue or maroon.

3. Your logo should represent your name and tag line

It may sound obvious, but it’s important that your business name is displayed clearly in your logo. Don’t lose your identity in a cloud of swirls and colours. If it isn’t easy to read, then your customers will not remember your name, and therefore can’t spread your good service by word of mouth.

Customers need to understand who you are and to make that happen the name of your business needs to be proportionally the most prominent element of your logo.

It is also worth noting that the business name in your logo should be written exactly as you want customers to refer to you. Many companies trade under a slightly different name than the one they are officially registered as. This is completely legal, providing it is not a wild departure from your original name, and no other company is registered as the name you intent to use. On all official documentation you would need to state “ABC Pty Ltd, trading as ABC” in small print – for example on invoices or in your website footer – however this does not apply to your logo, so feel free to use a shorter trading name.

4. Your logo should represent the target audience of your business

The style of your logo should mirror the aesthetic preference of your target audience. If your logo style is violently different, then it is likely you will make customers feel wary of your business – even if your product perfectly answers their needs.

Perhaps try a customer survey to find out what colours and styles your target demographic like, and incorporate those into your logo. By doing so, your logo will get the attention of the right people, giving you the potential for more sales.

5. Your logo should promise a level of quality to the customer

Finally, your logo should tell a customer if the product you offer is basic and cost-effective, great value for money, or a premium service. By conveying the level of quality a customer should expect when dealing with your business, you help to manage customer expectation and get the right people interested in your product.

That does not mean to say if your product is not high-end and luxury that your logo needs to be less appealing!

Rather, if you accurately portray the class of service you offer you will build trust in your business as a result of honestly portraying what you do.

To get started creating your own effective, professionally designed logo, visit Startup Digital Agency ( – where you’ll get an exclusive Startup Magazine  reader discount.

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