15 Nov Think about this before you quit your job to start your own business!
We all love to craft our own ideas in order to build a niche, and that very much requires making some hard decisions. I mean...
We all love to craft our own ideas in order to build a niche, and that very much requires making some hard decisions. I mean...
Buying products online has become second nature to us all. Gone are the days when we are restricted by opening hours, parking fees, congestion and having to be in crowded shopping centres. The online world of consuming has opened the world as a shopping marketplace,...
“I love startups. I hate the startup scene.” I was having lunch with a friend of mine, and he was mad. He’s founded and sold two companies, and he’s a sought-after advisor for young companies looking to break through the noise. Day in and day out, he told...
Do you know why startups fail every single day around the globe? There are several reasons like over-hyped stories everywhere, over-promising and under-delivering and various others. Over 90% of startups disappear before they see any traction in their business and over 51% of all businesses die within...