15 Nov Think about this before you quit your job to start your own business!
We all love to craft our own ideas in order to build a niche, and that very much requires making some hard decisions. I mean...
We all love to craft our own ideas in order to build a niche, and that very much requires making some hard decisions. I mean...
Imagine 20 people waiting in a queue for a bus or to buy a ticket, or on a cash counter in a bank, and suddenly the last one of them, moves out, comes to the counter and says, “Keep standing there all day. I am...
I always find myself searching google on how to do stuff? My best search was how to clean aged copper products. Google suggested a YouTube video and bob was my uncle. I found what I was looking for, the video gave me exact details on...
“I love startups. I hate the startup scene.” I was having lunch with a friend of mine, and he was mad. He’s founded and sold two companies, and he’s a sought-after advisor for young companies looking to break through the noise. Day in and day out, he told...
Let’s face it. We are all dreamers. Some of us dream about a tropical paradise in the middle of a harsh winter and others dream about riches that can unshackle them from the miserable life they are trapped in. However, only a chosen few among millions of...
Starting a business is a tough gig. How tough it is it is up to you. 50% of startup businesses fail within 5 years. How do you avoid this? It’s simpler than you’d think. We’ve picked out four essential tips from Startup Mzansi that give...
I’m going to tell you something that you may or may not find shocking. Here it is: I passionately believe that for the overwhelming majority of young people, attending university is a complete waste of 3 years of their life. Ok, this is quite a bold statement,...
Whether you are a big company or a small company, you should understand just how important the media is in the promotion and success of your company. Not only can it drastically improve your image and your sales, but it can also hinder them if...
Starting a business means taking a great idea and a passion and turning it into something that both benefits society and your wallet. It can, however, be a very daunting expedition. Starting your own business means knowing the industry you are going in to, it...
Facebook is a social networking tool that allows registered users to share their day-to-day life with friends with whom they are connected with. These include sharing of photos, statuses, locations and videos. It also allows the creation of features such as pages, events, and groups...